Saturday 27 June 2015

Drawing Journey Part1 - Idea was Born

I had a passionete discussion  recently about what is a skill and what is a talent with one of my best friends. He thinks I am "craft" talented while I think that I just have skill. I did have a trouble to understand the difference until I read in some online article that the talent is some sort of vehicle, lets say a car, which takes you to the destination faster BUT if you do not posses a talent you can became skilled and be great in whatever you choose.

I wanted to take this theory into a reality test so I've decided to learn how to sketch and draw and be great in it with or without talent. I do not have ANY drawing backround except drawing a stick man and few funny faces :)

For the start, I did an extensive research on how to draw for absolute beginners. Was really supprised there is virtually no book or resources for people like me. All of them assume some sort of knowledge or they were not as detailed as they could be and I got lost after few minutes.

Then luckily enough finally found two books which I could use as a reference for my learning without to go to college or other drawing class. Not to name them  I shall say the BOOK1=very basic, very simple,written simply way even I or child can make a sense of it, great starting point and the BOOK2=written more professional way, good resource, still make sense, you need to have a some understanding of drawing otherwise it could become overwhelming.

OK so book 1 recommends to take any pencil, any paper and eraser to start with while the other recommends more professional approach - sketch pad or paper, drawing board, pencil 4H (hard), HB (middle) and 4B (soft) and erasers vinyl and kneaded and of course lots of additional supplies.

I think I will go for the mixture of both recommendtions and I will be back once I gather all materials.

Wish me luck :)


  1. Ahoj Katka, mohla by si mi prezradit, ako sa volaju tie knizky? Aj ja by som rada zacala kreslit.

    1. Ahoj Marcela, knihy o ktorych som sa zmienila v tomto poste som nakoniec vobec nepouzila. Ako startovaci bod na kreslenie som pouzivala knihu Drawing on the right side of the brain od Betty Edwards- odporucam skontrolovat kniznice ak byvas v zahranici. Tak isto vrelo odporucam 2.5 hodinovy video kurz Foundations of Drawing od Will Kemp. Ten som nasla na kde som si musela vytvorit konto - prvych 10 dni je zadarmo :) Toto bol jediny kurz zo vsetkych ktory som aj dokoncila a som si ho skutocne uzila. Od jula stale kreslim a mozem smelo potvrdit ze kreslenie je viac o zrucnosti a chceni ako o talente :) Nech sa dari

    2. Vdaka za odpoved. Uz som v minulosti kreslila, ale len tak, na zahnanie nudnych chvil v skole (velmi pradavno). Mam Betty Edwards, ale privela rozprava. Pouzivala som knizku od Greg Albert - Drawing: You can do it, co je v podstate to iste, len su tam iba cvicenia a teoria je minimalna. ten styl sa mi pacil, ale nedokoncila som ju - praca, povinnosti, rodina. Chodila som aj do kurzu kreslenia, kde sa pouzival analyticky styl - meranie palcom, venovala sa pozornost dlzkam, uhlom, preciznosti. Ked to mam porovnat, ten right brain side styl mi vyhovuje viacej. Chcela by som sa trochu posunut v kresleni. Pozrela som si uputavky pre Willa Kempa na a vyzera to zaujimavo. Podla tvojho nazoru, aky ma styl vyuky? Analyticky, right side of the brain alebo to miesa?

      Paci sa mi Tvoj blog. Mas tam krasne veci. Prajem vela skvelych chvil pri kresleni a crafting.

    3. About the skill vs talent debate. I can attest that talent on its own will not bring a person success. Enormous amounts of time and practice are required to become proficient in whichever area. Talent perhaps means a better connection between senses ( sense of touch, vision, feeling the movement or emotional state of a person that is being drawn) or better motor and brain connection. All these things that are talent will eventually emerge after a long practice. Especially in arts, talent is being glorified and then it looks like arts are only for a tiny group of gifted people. The majority may feel there is no way one can reach high levels of mastery without talent so why bother. In dance there is a lovely expression - "muscle memory"; to perform a move graciously and effortlessly it has to be practiced many times until the muscles remember it without our consciousness being involved. I think the same applies to drawing, painting, acting and so on.

    4. Ahoj Marcela, by som povedala ze kurz od Will Kemp je vytazok vsetkeho podstatneho z Drawing on the Right side of the Brain az na kreslenie portretov - toto v kurze zahrnute nie je. Dufam ze to pomohlo :)
