Saturday 29 August 2015

Drawing Journey Part21 - Cartooning Fun

After a strenuous task last time, shading the Kettle, I was left with literally no energy to make another lengthy project.

I was browsing on the net looking for some inspiration and I came across cartooning stuff which was exactly what I needed. Something nice, cute and easily done in few minutes.

I've bought a Christopher Hart book for kids ages 4 and up. First of all just because I found it cheap on Ebay and secondly because I still have an inner kid in me :)

The top picture is actually mine. I was trying to come up with something what would be completely my own and as I was on holiday with no other resources whatsoever this was an end result of my effort.

At this point I realized that the Kettle exercise was a last think I drew from DrawPj course. My conclusion is: course is great if you are a responsible student and if you stick with it you will learn a lot. 

Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to me as I go where I see something interesting. I must say that Student forum is truly amazing. I keep posting my artwork (Yes, I call it artwork now :) and support I get from the members there is brilliant. 

This includes nice comments as well as productive criticism mainly from Cindy (founder of DrawPJ) which I do appreciate. Example of this would be a pointing out that the perspective of the bench on the top picture doesn't really match my guy perspective which I'd never noticed until it was pointed out to me.

Moving on. I discovered another funky drawing course but more about it next time.

See you then & have a great day :)

Saturday 8 August 2015

Drawing Journey Part20 - Kettle

Week 3: Kettle

When I first saw what was on the agenda for this week I immediately thought " There is no way in a million years that I can do that"

So, I took a deep breath and started.

I had an outline to fill in and as the same as previous weeks some instruction how to accomplish this massive task, at least massive in my "student's"  head, were included.

Recommendation was not to spent more than 4 hours with it and  because I'm perfectionist and my credo is "If you do something do it properly " I spent more than 9 hours over few days. I did section by section from beginning to the end even though instruction were to do it as a whole and not in sections.

Very pleased with it and especially after I thought it was impossible it gave me the whole new level of confidence and first time since I'd started drawing I felt like an Artist.

This exercise was somehow a huge breakthrough for me and it did open the door to a new world of drawing perception (very hard to explain the feeling I have at the moment :)

Personal notes: a prolonged period of heavy concentration gives you a massive headache!!!

Discovery : Graphite is lifted up even though a fixative is used. I was working on this piece for a few days and covering it with some glassine paper to protect it between my drawing sessions. I noticed that over few days very dark areas, almost black, on Day 1 was middle grey on Day 3 and at the end I had to retouched picture quite significantly.

Looking forward to next project and until then Have a nice day :)

Saturday 1 August 2015

Drawing Journey Part19 - Shade and Form

So, I sort of finished Lesson 1 and I must admit that I was very excited to start Lesson 2 Shade and Form from DrawPj course.

Week 1:

The exercise for this week was all about to creating value scale and starting to recognize the slight differences between them. As much as it was beneficial I wanted to get into " a real shading" :)

Week 2: Cube, Sphere, Cone & Cylinder

I did love these exercises. I had an outlines to fill in with different values/tones. Instructions were broken down into few steps and some hints and tips were included as well. I mostly enjoyed a sphere and cone. 

Overall I found these exercises a little bit repetitive especially shading the cylinder as this one was a last practice and was not as a fun as previous ones. 

Looking at them all finished make me feel very proud of myself . I've had a REAL sense of satisfaction J

Personal note: I started to feel more comfortable and confident with drawing and shading. Looking for difference between various shades of grey started to be more automatic.

Next time is Week 3 Shading a Kettle so fingers crossed.

See You next time :)