Thursday 2 July 2015

Drawing Journey Part6 - Ground Rules

Writing down some ground rules might have been seen as a silly idea first but over the time when there is a potential for failure and frustration is very important to stay motivated and keep trying - practice makes it perfect.

This is especially important when you learn a new skill. It needs to be practice about 10000 time to master it and a consistency is the key to success.

My ground rules:

1. Have a fun - the most important from all!

2. Have a sense of humor and Be kind to yourself - look for something nice in your drawing instead of criticizing it.

3. Do the research to find the best resources for learning - once you found them stop looking for new ones. Spend more time with drawing that browsing on the internet (I tend to overdo researching stage!).

4. Stay in relevant lesson - don't skip to more advanced ones. Too much too soon leads to frustration.

5. Practice until it's automatic and you don't need to concentrate anymore.

6. When drawing feels natural practice for two more sessions - helps pushing information from short term memory to long one.

7. Have a look back from time to time - you can see how much you have progressed when comparing your old work with new one.

8. Take break - especially when you feel you are about to loose your patience. Drawing needs to be associate with something nice instead of feeling bad.

9.  Keep going and don't give up under any circumstance. Learning a new skill requires a lots of time and effort but it's all worth it at the end.

10. When you feel down read this rules from beginning ;)

Note: Remember that although you are not Picasso yet you have a great potential to become one !

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